We provide independent medical opinions through our network of doctors in all specialties. We have one of the largest panels of experts in the UK, which includes 60,000 specialist doctors on our panel covering all of Europe. If needed, we can use our panel of experts in relation to a claim made outside of the UK and Europe. The doctors are not employed by us nor are their fees conditional to outcome of legal matters for which they provide reports or opinions to guarantee 100% impartiality.

In addition to medical opinion, we provide and facilitate medical treatment through a number of hospitals in the UK.

Our patient care services include:

  •  Organizing relevant doctors for the cases – we provide 3-5 CVs of experts for each case.
  •  Negotiation of prices with hospital or clinics on behalf of the patient.
  •  Supply of medicine.
  • Logistical support to the patient and their family, arrange airline tickets, hotel, taxi to hotel and every other service during the stay and until discharge/return to their country.
  •  Transfer by private airplane in case of emergency or by airline companies if needed.
  •  Emergency assistance – provided 24 / 7
Case Study 1:

We have recently provided Psychiatrist consultant to a United Nations subsidiary organisation. The client was hurt in an explosion in Afghanistan. We arranged the patient to be transported to Peshawar in Pakistan to be examine by our Psychiatrist.

Case Study 2:

We organised an expert to fly to Nigeria to examine a patient from our client charity organisation from the UK.