Med Chambers provides easy and rapid access for medicolegal cases and has access to diagnostics facilities across the country through a network of diagnostic centers in partnership with diagnostics and imaging service providers.If your clients have been injured and they need MRI scans, or X-Rays or any other diagnostic tests, we will provide everything required and if a client has not yet been diagnosed with a condition or illness, we can supply fully-trained doctors to examine and diagnose the patient.
Medicolegal Scanning
Med Chambers provides easy and rapid access for medicolegal cases to diagnostics facilities across the country through network of diagnostic centers in partnership with diagnostics and imaging services providers.
We are able to offer:
- MRI, CT, Ultrasound and X-Ray
- Diagnostics results using the latest scanning technology
- Quality reports from highly skilled UK based General Medical Council registered consultants with expertise in specialist fields
- A cost effective and fully managed service
- Contact us if you would like a dedicated account manager to call or visit you to discuss your needs in more detail.
List of Diagnostic Tests (A to Z):
- Angiography
- Anti-Ageing Treatments
- Audiology
- Blood Pressure Monitoring
- Bone Density Test
- Breast MRI
- Breast Screening
- Cardiac MRI
- Coronary Angioplasty
- CT Scans
- Echo-cardiogram
- Endoscopy
- Memory Clinic
- MRI Scans
- Nerve Conduction Test
- PET/CT Scans
- Ultrasound
- Vascular Doppler
- X-Ray